Notice of Public Hearing: Designation of Residential Target Area

NOTICE: The Lacey City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, shortly after 6:00 p.m. to seek public comment on and consider the designation of a residential targeted area for the Multi-Family Tax Exemption. The intended residential targeted area to be designated are those eight (8) neighborhood commercial areas in the Lacey city limits identified in the City’s comprehensive zoning maps as the Neighborhood Commercial District.  The hearing will be held in person and remote.

The public may attend the meeting in the Council Chambers at Lacey City Hall, 420 College Street SE, Lacey, Washington, or attend the meeting by using one of the following platforms:

Watch live on Cable Channel 77, or one of the following platforms:




Phone: Dial toll-free (888) 788-0099 – Webinar ID 859 7402 1188

Persons wishing to testify at the hearing may do so in person or by Zoom:

In Person: Use the sign-up sheet located in the Council Chambers

Zoom: Preregister using the following Zoom link no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 21, 2025 –

Instructions and access details will be provided once registration is complete.

Persons wishing to provide written testimony for the Multi-Family Tax Exemption Public Hearing should send comments to no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 21, 2025. Written testimony will be provided to the City Council and made part of the public record. The City of Lacey provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities.  We invite any person with special needs to contact the City Clerk at (360) 486-8704 at least seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting to discuss any special accommodations that may be necessary.

Published: January 9 and January 13, 2025