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Publication Date: 09/18/2024

Department: City Manager

Development Guidelines and Public Works Standards

The City of Lacey’s Development Guidelines and Public Works Standards are a supplement to the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction as adopted by Lacey Municipal Code (LMC) 14.20.010 plus City Policies, Codes, and Ordinances.

While these standards are intended to apply to all projects within the City limits, they are also intended to be utilized in applicable circumstances where the City’s service areas, annexation areas or planning areas extend outside its limits.

Currently, the City of Lacey Development Guidelines and Public Works Standard manual is going through a revision process.  If you would like to review the proposed revisions, please select the page link.

Proposed Revisions Click Here

Please refer to Appendix A for interim revisions.

download this documentdownload this documentForwarddownload this documentdownload this documentTable of Contentsdownload this documentdownload this documentChapter 1: Development Permit Procedures and Administrationdownload this documentdownload this documentChapter 2: Excavation and Gradingdownload this documentdownload this documentChapter 3: General Public Works Considerationsdownload this documentdownload this documentChapter 4: Transportation download this documentdownload this documentChapter 4: Transportation DWG 4-1.0download this documentdownload this documentChapter 5: Storm Drainagedownload this documentdownload this documentChapter 6: Waterdownload this documentdownload this documentChapter 6: Water DWG 6-1.0download this documentdownload this documentChapter 7: Sanitary Sewerdownload this documentdownload this document Chapter 8: Reclaimed Waterdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: Interim Revisionsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: Ordinance 1669 - Permit Procedures In Development Guidelines and Public Works Standardsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: Ordinance 1650 - Hearing Examiner Code Update download this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: Ordinance 1563 Amendment - Annexation Requirementsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: Ordinance 1539 - Code Development Audit (PG 25 Corrected)download this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: Resolution 1082 - Modification of Policies Regarding Extension of City Utility Systemdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: 2021 Street Trees with Planter Strips Width Listdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX A: Material Reference Revisionsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX B: Easement & Right-of-Way Preparation Standards download this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX C: Reserved for Future Usedownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX D: STEP Grinder System download this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX E: See City of Lacey Website for Community Development Applicationsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX F: References to Lacey Municipal Codedownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX G: LOTT Wastewater Management Partnership Spill Incident Reportdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX H: Latecomers Agreementdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX I: Final Plat Agreementdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX J: STEP System Certificates of Origin Documentsdownload this documentdownload this document APPENDIX K: Lift Station Electrical Sheetsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX L: Structural Number for Given R-Valuesdownload this documentdownload this document APPENDIX M: Boundary Line Adjustmentsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX N: Acronymsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX O: Waiver of Protest / Agreement for Deferral of Frontage Improvementsdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX P: Cross Connection Control Programdownload this documentdownload this documentAPPENDIX Q: Stormwater Maintenance Agreement

Publication Date: 09/11/2024

Department: City Manager