Help Create Safer Streets in Lacey
The City of Lacey (City) is committed to creating safer streets for everyone. As part of this effort, the City is developing a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan (SAP) and invites public input. Community members can participate by taking a short, online survey at through Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
The survey includes questions about transportation safety in Lacey, including how people get around, areas of concern (streets, intersections, etc.), and the best ways to address safety issues. Community feedback will help the City identify safety challenges and prioritize improvements in the SAP.
Why the Safety Action Plan Matters
The SAP is a key part of improving transportation safety in Lacey. It will identify priority projects based on traffic data and community input. With a completed SAP, the City can apply for federal grants to fund these projects, making streets safer for everyone.
The City received a grant through the Federal Highway Administration SS4A program to develop this plan. The grant program funds regional, local, and tribal initiatives to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.
Learn More
To get more information and take the survey, visit