LaceyLife January 2025

New! Lacey Community Academy: Learn the Ins and Outs of Your Community

The City continually looks for new ways to engage with our community, increase transparency, and encourage open, two-way communication. To further enhance this connection, we invite you to take part in our first-ever Lacey Community Academy — an interactive, hands-on program designed to deepen your understanding of how your city operates.

Lacey Community Academy attendees will:

  • Learn about the City’s government, including operations, services, ways to get involved, etc.
  • Interact with City Councilmembers, City leaders and staff, and other civic-minded residents
  • See tax dollars invested in the community
  • Enjoy behind-the-scenes tours of City facilities
    . . . and more!

This 6-week course runs from the end of February through March, with a recognition event at an April City Council meeting. To participate, you must be 18 or older and live in the City of Lacey or its Urban Growth Area.

How to Apply
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with your city like never before! The application period is open January 1–31, 2025. Visit
the Lacey Community Academy webpage to learn more and apply.

Help Create Safer Roadways in Lacey

The City is dedicated to making our streets safer for everyone, no matter how you travel. We are developing a Safety Action Plan (SAP) to help improve transportation safety in our City and need your input. Please take our short survey, now through January 14, to help us understand road safety issues and find effective ways to address them. To take the survey and learn more about the SAP and how it will help the City pursue additional federal funding for important safety improvement projects, visit the Safety Action Plan webpage. Watch for more ways to get involved as we develop the SAP.

We take pride in leveraging limited public resources to improve our community. This section highlights projects we’ve recently completed and other initiatives of community interest.

Charge! New EV Chargers Ready for Use

The wait is over! The public now has access to 6 DC FAST electric vehicle (EV) chargers at the Regional Athletic Complex and 4 level-2 chargers at City Hall. We plan to add 1 DC FAST
charger to City Hall in the near future.

To access the chargers, you can pay with a credit card or use the Chargepoint app available for your smartphone. If you use the app, it will give you handy, up-to-date information on your charging session.

The current EV charging rates are:

  • Level-2 charger, $0.19 per kWh
  • DC FAST charger, $0.35 per kWh

EV chargers will also be added at the Lacey Timberland Library and Lacey Community Center. Watch for more information coming soon.

We Updated Our Logo!

We’re excited to unveil our refreshed logo! This updated design honors our past, while capturing the energy and spirit that makes Lacey a wonderful place to live, work, and play. Look for the updated logo on City materials, signage, and online platforms soon.

Christmas Tree Round-Up: A Great Community Service

Local BSA Troops 222 and 9207, with support from Asplundh, LeMay/Pacific Disposal, and Thurston County Waste & Recovery Center, will collect Christmas trees on Saturday, January 4, for residents who live in the Lacey city limits. Please remove all ornaments, lights, tinsel, stands, and other debris and place your tree on the curb by 8 a.m.

Please note: Flocked trees are accepted. However, trees with any of the items listed above on them cannot be composted and will not get picked up.

BSA Troops 222 and 9207 accept donations for this great community service:

  • online – Troop 222 website
  • mail – Make check payable to:
    BSA Troop 222
    P.O. Box 5379
    Lacey, WA 98509

Note: For the security of your contribution, please do not leave donations on tree.

For more information, including other ways to recycle your tree and how to find out if your address is in the city limits, visit
the Holiday Tree Roundup webpage.

2025 Neighborhood Grant Program Opens January 6

Starting January 6, formal HOAs and informal neighborhoods located in the city limits are invited to apply for the Lacey Neighborhood Grant Program. This matching-grant program awards up to $2,500 for projects that foster community pride, beautify the city, and expand community member involvement.

To get more details or apply, visit the HOA webpage.

Lacey Cultural Celebration: Saturday, February 1

Explore the world at the Lacey Cultural Celebration sponsored by TwinStar Credit Union. This FREE, family-friendly event honoring the diverse cultures of the world takes place Saturday, February 1 from 10 a.m.– 6 p.m. at Saint Martin’s University.

Throughout the day, attendees can experience the sights, sounds, and traditions of various cultures. You can watch live performances including music, dance, and more; visit with members of cultural clubs and organizations; and kids can play fun and educational interactive games. You can also shop with vendors selling a variety of merchandise and purchase delicious foods from around the world.

If you want to step away from the noise and activities of the event, visit the sensory space that allows you to regulate, reset, and return to the fun.

For more details, visit the Lacey Parks Cultural Celebration webpage.

Lacey Comprehensive Plan Update Open House

Wednesday, Feb. 12 | 6 – 8 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers

Stop by the drop-in style open house to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan, initial community feedback from the survey, and next steps.

Watch for more details in the next newsletter. Learn more at the Comprehensive Planning webpage.

City of Lacey 2025 Budget Highlights

The City’s Budget serves as the guiding policy document outlining City priorities, initiatives, and essential community services funded by limited public resources.

The 2025 Budget:

  • Maintains existing services, focuses on community priorities, and continues fiscal stewardship to meet community needs and respond to economic or social uncertainties.
  • Continues a significant investment in critical infrastructure in the community’s
    street system, parks, and utilities, and construction of the new police station and
    training facility, the first expansion of City facilities since 2008.
  • Includes planned investments and measures to continue a sustainable and
    resilient organization and community.

2025 Budget Projects & Program Highlights

  • New Police Station & Training Center Second Year Construction
  • Cuoio Park Phase 1A Construction
  • Regional Athletic Complex Phase 3 Design
  • EV Chargers
  • College St. NE Extension
  • College St. & 16th Ave. Roundabout Design
  • College St. & 29th Ave. Roundabout Design
  • Street Overlay Project Design and Construction
    (Transportation Benefit District Funds), including sections of: 6th Ave., 8th Ave., Britton Pkwy. & Gateway Blvd. Roundabout, sidewalk repair, and crack sealing.

To view the full 2025 Budget, visit the Budget webpage.

View the January 2024 LaceyLife pdf.