
College & 22nd Tree Removal

2121 College St SE, Olympia, WA 98503, USA

Public Works Projects

Department: Public Works

Project Background

This contract provides for the removal of approximately 55 tree stumps and roots, irrigation system repair, planting site preparation including topsoil, and other work as needed to prepare the sites for future tree planting.

Background: The original trees planted during the College & 22nd Roundabout project were Acer Truncatum x Platanoides Keithsform (Norwegian Sunset Map). These type of trees that were specified for the project are the type that are specified for the College corridor in the Urban Forestry Plan. The urban foresters developed this plan years ago and it has been re-adopted by council multiple times. The purpose of specifying a corridor plan is to provide a consistent and full tree canopy along various arterial corridors. As it turns out, the type of tree that was specified in the Urban Forestry Plan for the College Street corridor has overtime shown to be problematic when it comes to damaging sidewalks. Therefore we have removed these trees before they damage the sidewalks. The trees that have been removed will be replaced with an “infrastructure friendly” tree.

At a future date, City staff will install new trees.   The new trees will be Carpinus betulus ‘Emerald Avenue’ (Emerald Avenue Hornbeam).

This contract was awarded to Monarch Tree Services. Work will start the week of February 17, 2025.

If you have any coordination or construction issues you can contact the City of Lacey project inspector, Bogdan Tirtu, at 564-669-4339.

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