
College St. NE Extension

4506 6th Ave NE, Lacey, WA 98516, USA

Public Works Projects

Department: Public Works

Project Background

This contract provides for asphalt planning and overlay, reconstruction of the College St. NE, 6th Ave NE, and the intersection, and a new asphalt roadway and concrete sidewalks along College Ave NE from 6th Ave NE to 15th Ave NE. Work will also include placement of various sizes of stormwater, water and sewer pipe, service lines, meters, valves, transfer of water services, connections to existing water system, water main abandonments, catch basins, sewer connections to an existing pressure line, sewer line abandonment, illumination, landscaping, abandonment and removal of an existing lift station, and other work associated with installation of water and sewer components.

If you have any immediate construction concerns you can call the project inspector, Keven Inman, at (360) 239-0333.

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