Meridian Market & Gas (20-0310)

8808 Campus Glen Drive Northeast, Lacey, WA, USA
Samra Seymour
Senior Planner
420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503
TEL: 360-413-3541
Department: Community & Economic Development
Project Background
An application to construct 4,000 square foot convenience market, with 1,000 square feet of second, or half-story general office space, and four associated fueling islands, as well as an additional 4,000 square feet of commercial/retail space, and associated site improvements.
June 27, 2023
Design Review Submitted
The applicant has submitted plans for design review approval. Plans may be viewed under the documents tab.
June 3, 2022
Council Adopts Hearings Examiner Recommendation
At its regular meeting of June 2, 2022, the Lacey City Council took action on the above referenced matter. The Council moved to approve the project with conditions outlined in the written recommendation of the City of Lacey Hearings Examiner.
The Council’s decision is based on the summary record, exhibits, testimony, findings of fact, conclusions of law, and criteria for review for the project and as outlined in the recommendation prepared by the City of Lacey Hearings Examiner for the Lacey City Council. The recommendation was signed and dated by the Hearings Examiner on May 3, 2022.
The City of Lacey Council’s decision is final unless appealed pursuant to the Land Use Petition Act, Chapter 36.70C RCW and section 1D of the Lacey Development Guidelines, to Superior Court within twenty-one days of the issuance of the decision. The Lacey City Council issued the decision June 2, 2022.
May 3, 2022
Examiner issues Recommendation to Council
The Lacey Hearing Examiner has issued a recommendation to approve the Meridian Market & Gas Conditional Use Permit (20-310). The decision is available in the documents tab.
The decision addresses facts that were identified through the application materials and testimony from staff and the public. The Examiner’s analysis and conclusions can be found on pages 19 through 23 of the recommendation.
The Lacey City Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation at it’s June 2, 2022, regular meeting which starts at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers and via Zoom.
The Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation and the record created through the close of the public hearing. No new testimony or exhibits may be considered by the Council.
April 12, 2022
Public Hearing
The Lacey Hearing Examiner held a Public Hearing on April 12, 2022, and has taken the matter under advisement. After the Examiner prepares and issues their recommendation to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposal, a closed record hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. No new testimony or exhibits may be considered by the Council, which will be reviewing and acting on the Examiners recommendation and the record created up to the close of the public hearing.