Advisory Boards

Advisory boards play an essential role in our City’s government and in helping shape the future of Lacey and the greater community.  Importantly, advisory boards serve as one of the public’s first chances to help shape new policies and programs at the City.

The City Council appoints community representatives to a variety of advisory boards. The City Manager appoints members of the Civil Service Commission. Advisory Board members review and make recommendations to the City Council on issues related to land use, zoning, social services, parks, library services, historical matters, and diversity, equity, and inclusion measures.

The City records and retains meeting records for City Advisory Boards. Some regional Advisory Board meeting records are maintained by other jurisdictions or organizations. To view meeting agendas, minutes, and past meeting recordings, select an Advisory Board below.

Advisory Board Stipend Program

The City Council recently adopted an Advisory Board Stipend Program aimed at reducing barriers to participation in government and increasing representation on the City’s Advisory Boards. Pending budget approval, in 2024, advisory board members may have the option to opt-in to this program. The program helps offset costs incurred by participating as a volunteer on an advisory board by providing $50 to advisory board members per meeting attended, up to $500 per year. This funding aims to offset expenses for participating on the advisory boards, such as childcare coverage during the meetings, transportation to and from meetings, internet access to meetings, and other direct financial impacts.

Standards, Protocols, and Ground Rules

As a representative of the City and ambassador of our community, Advisory Board members follow common and consistent standards, protocols, and ground rules, similar to those that are used by the City Council. The Advisory Board Handbook provides a comprehensive resource guide for Board members.

Interested in taking an active role in Lacey government?

Residents help shape the future of the Lacey community by serving in advisory capacities to the City Council. The Parks, Culture and Recreation Board, Library Board, Historical Commission, and Commission on Equity also include youth representatives selected from the Lacey Youth Council.

All advisory board meetings are open to the public. Learn more about each advisory board below.

If you are interested in serving, please fill out the online application, or contact the City Manager’s Office at (360) 491-3214.

Lacey Advisory Boards

Capital Area Regional Public Facilities District Board


The Capital Area Regional Public Facilities District (PFD), a municipal corporation, is a special taxing district created by Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Thurston County in 2003.  It finances payments on bonds issued by Lacey and Olympia for construction of two regional event centers, Lacey’s Regional Athletic Complex and Olympia’s Hands On Children’s Museum.

The District is authorized to receive 0.033% of the State share of sales and use tax generated in the four jurisdictions as allowed by RCW 82.14.390.  This legislation authorized the use of State revenue to promote economic development by supporting the construction of certain public facilities in local jurisdictions. 

The PFD apportions this revenue to Lacey and Olympia according to an interlocal agreement.  The two jurisdictions are responsible for financing and project management, ownership and maintenance of the facilities. The tax expires twenty-five years after the date it was first collected in 2003.

A seven member Public Facilities District Board of Directors has fiduciary responsibility for the appropriate use of sales tax revenue it collects and distributes. The Board meets annually to review financial statements and to issue an annual report to the public on the use of those funds.
The elected officials of Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Thurston County appoint the PFD Board members. One member is appointed by each jurisdiction. The remaining three board members are appointed as regional representatives, subject to recommendations from local business and community organizations.  PFD Board members serve four-year staggered terms.  They serve without compensation. 


As needed

Civil Service Commission


The 3-member Civil Service Commission adopts rules for the regulation of personnel matters and competitive examinations for classified employees of the Lacey Police Department. It also hears appeals arising from the administration of the Civil Service rules and regulations.


1st Monday of February, May, August & November at 12:15 PM

Commission on Equity


The Commission on Equity identifies and addresses issues of inequity through policy improvement, inclusive activities, and educational partnerships.


4th Monday of each month at 5:30 PM

Historical Commission


The Historical Commission provides leadership in raising awareness of Lacey’s history and preservation of local historic resources. The commission guides creation of public education and interpretive programs, encourages conservation of items and properties that are of historic significance, and reviews nominations to the Lacey Register of Historic Places. The 8-member commission is comprised of seven general commissioners and one youth representative, and selects its own chairperson and vice-chairperson from its membership.


3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM

Human Services Commission

On December 3, 2024, the City Council approved the establishment of a Human Services Commission. This Commission was established via Ordinance 1667.

The Commission’s primary duties and responsibilities include:

A. Identify and make recommendations on human service needs; and

B. Review and make recommendations on human services related policies; and

C. Review human services grant applications and make recommendations for the distribution of human services grant funds.

The Commission will consist of:

  • Five members who reside within Lacey.
  • Up to two members who reside in the Lacey Urban Growth Area.
  • Of the seven members, two may have experience within human services. (Residency requirement may be waived).
  • One Youth Council Representative

Once appointed, members will be eligible to opt-in for a stipend of $50 per regular meeting, up to a maximum of $500 in a year.

To learn more and apply for the Commission, visit If you have questions, contact Michelle Chavez, Human Services Coordinator, at (360) 486-8746 or


Once per month, as needed

Law Enforcement Officers & Fire Fighters (LEOFF I) Disability Board


The 5-member Law Enforcement Officers & Fire Fighters (LEOFF) Disability Board administers LEOFF I benefits and entitlements.


Meetings scheduled as needed

Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)


The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) is charged with annually recommending to the Lacey City Council how to best use lodging tax revenues. The adopted mission statement of the LTAC is “To invest lodging tax revenues in community events and projects that attract the greatest number of visitors and tourism dollars to Lacey.”

Library Board


The 6-member Lacey Library Board, comprised of five general members and one youth representative, assists in developing long-range plans for library services in the City of Lacey. The board selects its own chairperson and officers from its membership. Lacey’s Library has one of the highest circulations of the 27 libraries in the 5-county Timberland Regional Library system.


2nd Wednesday of 4-5 months a year, as needed, at 5:30 PM

Parks, Culture and Recreation Board


The 6-member Lacey Parks, Culture, and Recreation Board, are comprised of five general commissioners and one youth representative, plans for the acquisition and development of all parks and trail systems within the city. The board also offers recommendations to the City Council regarding planning, acquisition, construction, development, maintenance, and operation of Lacey’s public recreation facilities and recreational programs. The board selects its own chairperson from its membership.


1st Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM

Parks Improvement Funding Workgroup (Ad Hoc)


The purpose of the Parks Improvement Funding Workgroup (Workgroup) is to review parks expansion and replacement projects identified in the six-year Parks Capital Improvement Program (PCIP), analyze all available funding options, and recommend to the Lacey City Council a funding package identifying funding sources, including recommended amounts, to implement a prioritized list of parks capital projects. The Workgroup intends to provide a recommendation to the Lacey City Council in December of 2024.

The Workgroup consists of up to fifteen-members, comprised of at least seven voting members, one youth representative, and several non-voting members.


As needed

Planning Commission


The 9-member Lacey Planning Commission develops recommendations for long-range comprehensive planning goals and policies in the City of Lacey and areas outside the city which may seek annexation.


2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM

Youth Council


Each year the Lacey City Council recruits youth representatives to serve as Youth Councilmembers and provide representation on the following Advisory Boards:

  • Library Board
  • Parks, Culture, and Recreation Board
  • Historical Commission
  • Commission on Equity

The recruitment process typically takes place in early April for appointment to a one-year term beginning in September, with the option of serving an additional one-year term, if desired.

Meeting Accommodations

The City provides reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. To request an accommodation or written materials in an alternate format, contact the City Clerk at least seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting to discuss any necessary accommodations. You can reach the City Clerk by phone (360) 486-8704 or email For vision or hearing impaired services contact the Washington State Relay Service at 7-1-1 or 1-800-833-6384.

Department Contact
Nicole Williams

Executive Assistant

TEL: 360-438-2620


City Manager

phone: 360-491-3214

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm