Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)

The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) mission statement:

“To invest lodging tax revenues in community events and projects that attract the greatest number of visitors and tourism dollars to Lacey.”

The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee annually recommends funding strategies to the Lacey City Council for lodging tax revenues. Lodging tax revenues are generated through a 4% excise tax imposed by the city as authorized by RCW 67.28.  State law limits the use of lodging tax revenues to tourism marketing, marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists and supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a municipality, public facilities district, or nonprofit organizations as outlined in RCW 67.28.1816.

You can find more Lodging Tax Advisory Committee information in Chapter 3.03.045 of the Lacey Municipal Code.

2025 Lodging Tax Funding Anticipated Timeline

The anticipated timeline for the 2025 Loding Tax Funding Application cycle is:

Mid JulyLodging Tax Funding Applications Open
August 30Lodging Tax Funding Applications Due by 5 p.m.
September Committee Reviews Applications
September 19Supplemental Applicant Presentations
October Committee Recommends Budget to City Council
JanuaryFunding Awards Issued

Lodging Tax Funding Workshop

The cities of Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater, and Thurston County hosted a Lodging Tax Funding Workshop for potential applicants to learn about lodging tax and the funding process. To review the presentation or download a copy of the materials see the links below.

For more information about other regional lodging tax advisory committees and their processes visit:

2024 Lodging Tax Funded Events and Facilities

Funded Event or Facility2024 Award
Lacey Cultural Celebration$10,000
Lacey Spring Fun Fair$15,000
Juneteenth Celebration$10,000
3rd of July Fireworks Spectacular$22,000
Lacey South Sound BBQ Festival$10,000
Lacey in Tune$18,000
Capital Lakefair$7,500
South Sound Block Party$5,000
American Lung Association- Reach the Beach$5,000
Kris Kringle Market$9,500
Chamber of Commerce Winterfest$2,500
Washington State Senior Games$15,000
Deschutes Rugby Club$30,000
Olympia Soccer Foundation$39,000
Washington Center for the Performing Arts$30,000
Regional Athletic Complex$188,000
Lacey Museum$48,500

Lodging Tax Funding Application Cycle (Now Open)

Each year the lodging tax funding application cycle opens following the anticipated timeline below:

Mid JulyLodging Tax Funding Applications Open
August 30Lodging Tax Funding Applications Due by 5 p.m.
September Committee Reviews Applications
September Supplemental Applicant Presentations as Needed
October LTAC recommends Budget to City Council
JanuaryFunding Awards Issued

Selection Process:

  • Lodging tax funding applications are available online.
  • Applications received after the due date will not be considered for that funding cycle.
  • The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee uses a scoring rubric when reviewing applications. Some questions on the application have an affiliated score value, which is used for scoring. Scores are considered by the committee but are not the final determining factor.
  • Applicants may be required to give a supplemental presentation to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
  • Funding is awarded on a yearly basis. Funding year to year is not guaranteed.
  • Successful applicants will enter into a contract with the City to receive funding.

Lodging Tax Funding Recipient Requirements

Successful applicants will be required to comply with the following requirements:

  • Enter into a contract with the City;
  • Provide proof of insurance:
  • Provide a scope of services, outlining how the funds will be used;
  • Complete a request for reimbursement in accordance with the contract to receive reimbursement; and
  • Complete a lodging tax report.

Committee Members

The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is comprised of five Board members who serve three-year staggered terms.  By statute, one member must be an elected official of the City.  This member serves as the Committee chair.  In addition, membership must include:

  • At least two representatives of businesses that collect the lodging tax; and
  • Two representatives involved in activities authorized to be funded by lodging tax revenues.

Public Comment for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee

Verbal Public Comment may be provided at the Lodging Tax Advisory meetings:

  • In person- Please use the sign-up sheet located in [Council Chambers or other meeting location]
  • By Zoom- Please register using the Zoom link provided on the posted meeting agenda or use the raise hand feature.
  • By Phone- Please press *9

Written Public Comment may be submitted by email to LodgingTax@cityoflacey.org. Written comments will be provided to the Committee prior to the meeting. Comments will not be addressed during the Committee meeting; however, comments received will be added to the official record.

Meeting Accommodations

The City provides reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. To request an accommodation or written materials in an alternate format, contact the City Clerk at least seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting to discuss any necessary accommodations. You can reach the City Clerk by phone (360) 486-8704 or email CityClerk@cityoflacey.org

For vision or hearing impaired services contact the Washington State Relay Service at 7-1-1 or 1-800-833-6384.

Department Contact
Sadie Siglin

Management Analyst

TEL: 360-456-7788

EMAIL: sadie.siglin@cityoflacey.org

City Manager

phone: 360-491-3214

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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