Our mission is to enrich the quality of life in Lacey for all its citizens, and to build an attractive, inviting, and secure community. Council works in partnership with residents to foster community pride, develop the economy, plan for the future, and the preservation and enhancement of our environment.
We visualize Lacey as a safe community where police and fire services are highly responsive to all emergency services and needs. Laws are enforced in a uniform and fair manner throughout the community, allowing citizens to feel safe both in their homes and throughout the business areas of the City. Essential public health and safety needs are met. Responses to natural disasters and hazardous situations are planned and coordinated with other communities, and police officers and firefighters work closely with the public to identify and prevent crimes, while influencing youth in the community to resist drugs and illegal activity.
We visualize Lacey with a strong, diverse, and growing economy providing a variety of job opportunities for the community’s workforce. The City has considered and balanced the community’s economic needs with comprehensive plans for land use, capital facilities, and environmental protection. The business community proactively works in partnership with the City to improve the economy, and as a result of a locally developed economic strategy, several new and existing businesses have expanded, helping to create a stable tax base capable of providing quality community services and maintaining Lacey’s infrastructure systems. Lacey proactively and continuously works to diversify its employment base. The Gateway Project is a significant development project that will provide a unique mix of housing, retail and commercial use in the northeast area over the next several decades, providing economic stimulus for the City.
We visualize Lacey as an attractive, inviting and dynamic place to live, work and play. The City provides an environment of appreciation and inclusiveness for all residents by offering a range of diverse recreational programs, activities and events. Community services include a library, community center, senior center, historical museum, a regional athletic complex, community market, and much more. An attractive mix of affordable housing is available for families of all income levels. City parks are well developed and oriented for passive and active use, and many are adjacent to natural areas and wetlands, which have been set aside for preservation. An extensive urban trails system is linked with neighboring communities to provide both commuting and recreational access throughout the area.
We visualize Lacey as a city which empowers its residents to participate in grassroots projects and forums to work towards the improvement of the community. The City Council in collaboration with city staff and its advisory boards and commissions, creates an opportunity for dialogue, listening, learning, and joint problem solving. The City is responsive to the needs of its citizens and maintains excellent customer service standards. Business and neighborhood associations work cooperatively with City officials to address a number of local projects and issues and to implement neighborhood beautification projects and community policing programs including Crime Stoppers, Neighborhood Watch, and the Multi-housing Crime Prevention Program. In addition, the City supports a “community partnership” with the North Thurston Public School District, the business community, and other local educational institutions to foster a climate of learning, development, and enrichment.
We visualize Lacey with comprehensive plans in place for land use, transportation, urban trails, parks, and municipal utilities, providing a balanced approach to zoning and land use management policies, which are coordinated with regional plans, local needs, environmental concerns, and the development community. These plans are responsive to changing needs and incorporate a public process for periodic review and improvement. Residential and business areas are well-blended with complimentary design, landscaping, and signage.
We visualize the City of Lacey as a community developed in harmony with its unique Pacific Northwest environment. The City is a leader and active participant in regional efforts to promote environmental stewardship, sustainability and conservation. Open space areas and large tracts of wildlife habitat, including the Woodland Creek corridor from Hicks Lake to I-5, have been preserved. As a responsible steward of its resources, the City has implemented water conservation measures, adopted an Urban Forestry Plan to preserve large tracts of trees, and requires stormwater ponds in areas of new development to manage stormwater runoff. The City is using innovative technology to create reclaimed water to help mitigate the impact of growth on the environment. The City has been designated a Green Power Community in recognition of green power use.
We visualize the City of Lacey as an organization that is value driven, customer oriented, and motivated by quality results. Cost effective services are delivered in a timely fashion, and citizen issues/concerns are resolved in a timely manner. Staff is productive and adept at solving problems. A high degree of mutual trust, caring, and respect is reflected throughout the City in the staff’s interactions and ability to “get things done.” Employees are well trained, and perceive themselves as catalysts in meeting community needs, striving to provide the best services and programs for the public. As a whole, the City has sufficient resources, both in personnel and capital, to consistently provide essential public services and enhancements which are cost effective and based on documented needs. The Council, City Manager, and Department Directors openly discuss problems, jointly agree on solutions, and provide a solid, progressive, supportive management team for both staff and the community. The City of Lacey is an independent community in the South Sound area promoting effective intergovernmental relationships, building collaborative partnerships and providing regional leadership by our actions.
We visualize Lacey with efficient infrastructure systems including streets, traffic signals, and municipal utilities. The City’s transportation system efficiently and effectively moves people throughout the community, and is oriented to encourage pedestrian, bicycle, transit, park and ride, and other multi-modal uses. The water utility provides excellent drinking water with minimal shortage while the wastewater (sewer) system is operated and maintained with few breakages or malfunctions. The City has implemented a city-wide chlorination system to ensure safe drinking water for all its customer. The City is using innovative technology to develop and implement a reclaimed water utility to help mitigate the use of high water demands on the environment. The City’s numerous storm water treatment and storage facilities are functioning efficiently. All of these systems are in good condition, well maintained and operating cost-effectively while providing the highest level of customer service.
Shaping Our Community Together
Quality Service | Community Leadership | Innovation in Local Government