Publication Date: 01/01/2019
Department: Community & Economic Development
Publication Date: 01/01/2018
Department: Community & Economic Development
Department: Finance
The Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan is a mandatory element as set forth in RCW 36.70A of the Growth Management Act. The general purpose of a Capital Facilities Plan is to show the financial plan that implements the City’s Comprehensive Plan. It’s meant to help the City of Lacey use its limited funding wisely and most efficiently and to maximize funding opportunities.
In planning for future capital facilities, several factors must be considered, many unique to the type of facility being planned. Individual comprehensive plans, sometimes called “master plans”, for water, sewer, stormwater, parks, and transportation inform the Capital Facilities Plan. They provide a detailed description of inventories, condition, future need, and projected costs for implementation. Those plans are updated approximately every five years and populate the Capital Facilities Plan, which is reviewed annually to reprioritize projects as needed.
Both the Capital Facilities Plans and the individual “master plans” are listed below:
Department: Public Works