LaceyLife – November 2023
Kick Off The Holidays In a Bright Way: Take Part In The Lacey Lighted Parade!

Decorate your vehicle with lights — the more the merrier — and be part of this festive event that kicks off the holiday season! The Lacey Lighted Parade takes place on Monday, December 4 at 6:30 p.m. near Huntamer Park.
Businesses, organizations, and individuals are welcome to participate. To learn more, visit
Get Involved In Your Community – Join An Advisory Board!
Advisory boards play an essential role in our City’s government and in helping shape the future of Lacey and the greater community. Importantly, advisory boards serve as one of the public’s first chances to help shape new City policies and programs.
We need you! You’re an expert in the community and your voice matters. Give it a megaphone!
Advisory boards provide a broad range of knowledge and experience from the public’s perspective on important issues that impact the community now
and in the future. Advisory boards review and make recommendations to the Lacey City Council on issues such as land use, zoning, social services, parks, library services, historical matters, and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.
The City is currently recruiting for positions on our Parks, Culture and
Recreation Board and Planning Commission. To learn more, visit

Advisory Board Stipend
The City Council recently adopted an Advisory Board Stipend Program to help reduce barriers to participation in government and increase representation on the City’s advisory boards. Pending budget approval, in 2024, advisory board members may have the choice to opt-in to this program that provides $50 per meeting attended, up to $500 per year. The stipend is intended to help offset costs incurred when volunteering on an advisory board such as childcare coverage during the meetings, transportation to and from meetings, internet access to meetings, and other direct financial impacts.
You’re Invited To A Community Forum: Centering Immigrant Communities, November 8

Wednesday, November 8 6 p.m. Lacey Timberline Library
We want to hear from you! Join us for a Community Forum for Immigrant communities.
¡Queremos conocer su opinión! Acompáñenos en un foro comunitario para comunidades de inmigrantes.
Chúng tôi muốn lắng nghe quý vị! Hãy cùng chúng tôi tham gia Diễn Đàn Cộng Đồng dành cho các cộng đồng Người Nhập Cư.
여러분의 의견을 들려주세요! 이민자 공동체를 위한 커뮤니티 포럼에 참여해 보세요.
Gusto naming makarinig mula sa iyo! Sumali sa amin para sa isang Forum sa Komunidad para sa mga komunidad ng Imigrante.
To find out more, visit
2024 Proposed Budget: Community Projects 3
After months of work, the Proposed 2024 Budget (Budget) is complete. It provides detailed information on revenues the City expects for the year, where the money comes from, and how we plan to use the money in the most cost-effective manner.
The Budget includes several projects that focus on the City Council’s Workplan priorities that provide for a safe, vibrant, engaged community with quality transportation and infrastructure, excellent programs and services, and coordinated planning.
In addition to a full program of utility and road infrastructure improvements, here are a few highlights of community projects found in the Budget.
Bush Park Playground Equipment Replacement
The playground equipment at William A. Bush Park, originally scheduled for replacement in 2020, will be completely replaced in 2024! The Gateway Rotary Club generously donated $110,00 to the project. Watch for opportunities to provide input on the new equipment.
Photo on the right is an example of potential new playground equipment planned for William A. Bush Park, located at 4400 Cardonnay Drive SE.

Human Services Grant Program
This would create a comprehensive, transparent, and competitive $300,000 grant program to fund priority human service programs serving the Lacey community.
College Street Extension

To provide an additional access point to the growing northeast Lacey area, College Street will be extended from 6th Avenue NE to 15th Avenue NE (see map).
As we near the end of the budget process, we invite public feedback at the upcoming remaining Budget Public Hearings listed in the yellow box below. The hearings take place at 6 p.m. during the City Council meetings. The City Council plans to adopt the Final 2024 Budget at the Thursday, December 21 meeting.

To view the Proposed 2024 Budget, visit
Support Local Businesses
With the holiday season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to remind everyone how supporting local businesses benefits our community.
Did you know for every $100 you spend at a locally owned business, $68 stays in our community. What happens when you spend that same $100 at a national chain? Only $43 stays in the community.

Prepare For Winter Weather
Snow, ice, and extreme weather can make it hard to get around. With a little preparation before the cold weather hits, we can all stay safer on the roads. To reduce the risks of winter driving:
- Winterize your vehicle to help ensure it’s safe to drive during winter weather.
- Check current road conditions and weather forecast before beginning your trip.
- Follow safe, winter-driving tips, including allowing extra time to get to your destination.

What to Expect from the City During a Winter Storm
During a snowstorm, our crews work hard to clear and maintain priority routes for emergency vehicles. Once priority routes are cleared, our crews begin working on secondary routes to provide better access for transit, schools, and commuters. If snowfall continues, priority routes may require repeated plowing, which may delay secondary route clearing.
Will My Neighborhood Streets Get Plowed?
The City does not have the resources to plow neighborhood streets. Homeowners Associations (HOAs) can visit the website listed below or scan the QR code to learn about our HOA Snow Plowing Policy.
Learn More
For more information, including our Snow and Ice Response Map, visit
Congratulations Officer Thompson!

Lacey Police Officer Derek Thompson recently received the well-deserved Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award from the American Legion Post 94.
This commendation is awarded for outstanding public service benefitting our community, state, and nation.
We’re lucky to have you, Officer Thompson! Thank you for all you do for our community.
Lacey Parks Comprehensive Plan Now Available
The 2023 Parks, Culture & Recreation Comprehensive Plan was approved in September and is now available online at
The 6-year plan is a road map for planning and providing community-driven park and recreation resources. The plan includes direction for the City’s parks, open spaces, facilities, and recreation and cultural programs and events.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the public outreach process. Community input is vital to the overall success of the Plan.

View the November LaceyLife in pdf format.