LaceyLife – January 2024
Special Thanks To Local BSA Troops: Christmas Tree Round-Up, Saturday, January 6
Local BSA Troops 222 and 9207, with support from Asplundh, LeMay/Pacific Disposal, and Thurston County Waste & Recovery Center, will collect Christmas trees on Saturday, January 6, for residents who live in the Lacey city limits*. Please remove all ornaments, lights, tinsel, stands, and other debris and place your tree on the curb by 8 a.m. If you live in an apartment or mobile home, check with your manager for the location to place your tree for pick-up.
Please note: Flocked trees are accepted. However, trees with any of the items listed above on them cannot be composted and will not get picked up.

BSA Troops 222 and 9207 accept donations for this great community service:
- online (
- mail (Make check payable to: BSA Troop 222 P.O. Box 5379 Lacey, WA 98509)
Note: For the security of your contribution, please do not leave donations on tree.
For more information on the Christmas Tree Round-Up, call John, BSA Troop 222 Assistant Scout Master, at (360) 888-5215.
Other Ways to Recycle Your Tree
If you use LeMay/Pacific Disposal’s yard debris pick-up service, cut your tree into 3-foot sections and place it in, or next to, your yard-waste container on your collection day.
If you live outside the Lacey city limits* or miss the pick-up day, you can take your tree, free of charge, to the Thurston County Waste & Recovery Center (2420 Hogum Bay Road NE, Lacey) December 26 – January 21 (closed January 1). Open Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday, 8 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
REMINDER! City Council Updates Begin January 2

Starting January 2024:
- City Council meetings (Regular and Worksessions) will move to Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
- Regular meetings will take place on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
- Worksession meetings will take place on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
- Council Committee meetings (formerly Utilities, Transportation, Government Affairs, etc.) will be discontinued. Work that previously took place during Committee meetings will now happen during Regular or Worksession meetings.
- The City will no longer broadcast public meetings on cable channel 3. However, the City is in the process of creating a new government meeting channel, available on Comcast, in its place. Watch for more information as it becomes available.
- The City plans to launch new apps in January (date to be announced), available on Amazon Fire Stick and Roku. The apps will offer the same features as our YouTube channel and website — watching public meetings, live or on demand.
Get More Details
To learn more about the Lacey City Council and how to watch or participate in public meetings, visit
City of Lacey 2024 Budget Highlights
The City’s Budget serves as the guiding policy document outlining City priorities, initiatives, and essential community services funded by limited public resources.
The 2024 Budget:
- Maintains existing services, focuses on community priorities, invests in workforce, and continues fiscal stewardship to meet community needs and respond to economic or social uncertainties.
- Continues a significant investment in critical infrastructure in the community’s street system, parks, and utilities, and construction of the new police station. The new police station, a $61.5 million-dollar project, is the first expansion of City facilities since 2008.
- Includes planned investments and measures to continue a sustainable and resilient organization and community.

- New Police Station First Year Construction
- Cuoio Park Phase 1A Design and Beginning Construction
- Continuation of the Community Resource Unit, Mobile Outreach
Team, and Rapid-Response Clean-up Team - Economic Development Strategic Investments
- Police Records Management System Replacement (Regional)
- New Human Services Grant Program
- Golf Club Road Watermain and Wastewater Improvements
- Madrona Well and Source 17 pH Treatment Systems
- Tolmie Park Sewer Utility Local Improvement District
- College St. NE Extension
- College St. & 16th Ave. Roundabout Design and Right-of-Way Acquisition
- College St. & 29th Ave. Roundabout Design
- Street Overlay Project Design and Construction (Transportation Benefit District Funds), including sections of: 8th Ave., Pacific Ave. & Homann Dr. Roundabout, Britton Pkwy. & Gateway Blvd. Roundabout, Yelm Hwy. & Compton Blvd., Willamette Dr. & 30th Ave., and sidewalk repair and crack sealing.
You can view the 2024 Budget document online at If you have questions or comments, contact our Finance Department at or (360) 491-3212.
RAC Parking Lot Improvements Underway
The gravel lot in the northwest corner (Marvin Rd SE and Steilacoom Rd SE, see photo on right) of the Regional Athletic Complex (RAC) is closed for construction of a new asphalt parking lot and other site improvements. The lot will remain closed to the public until June 2024.
The project includes stormwater improvements, grading, paving, installing various site furnishings, and landscaping. When finished, the new parking lot will have more than 340 parking stalls including six electric vehicle charging stations, eight accessible parking stalls (ADA), and eight bus stalls. In addition to the parking lot, Steilacoom Rd SE frontage improvements will include a sidewalk, bike lane, associated stormwater facilities, street lights, street trees, and other landscaping.
To learn more about the project and sign up for email updates, visit

Neighborhood Grant Program Accepting 2024 Applications

Starting January 5 and continuing through March 31, the City is accepting 2024 Lacey Neighborhood Grant Program (LNGP) applications. The matching-grant program awards up to $2,500 for projects that foster community pride, beautify the city, and expand community-member involvement.
Formal HOAs and informal neighborhoods located in the city limits are welcome to apply for the LNGP. Neighborhoods may submit applications in these categories:
- Safe Neighborhoods & Emergency Response
- Environmental Sustainability & Resiliency
- Neighborhood Beautification
- Board Education & Organization Development
- Compassion
- Neighborhood Art & Monument Structures
- National Night Out Community Events
In 2023, Lacey Neighborhood Associations accomplished some great work, helping make Lacey an even better place to live! Some completed projects include enhancing community parks, removing invasive weeds, maintaining stormwater facilities, securing community mailboxes, and lighting.
Stormwater-Dispersal Trench and Retaining Wall Project:


Lacey Neighborhood Grant Program Applications Due: Sunday, March 31
To get more information or download an application, visit You can also contact Jenny Bauersfeld, Community Relations Specialist, at or (360) 438 2621.
View the January Lacey Life in pdf format.