Hicks Lake Multi Family (20-0190)

2801 Hazelwood Lane Southeast, Lacey, WA, USA
Reace Fant
Associate Planner
420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503
TEL: 360-486-8710
Department: Community & Economic Development
Project Background
An application to construct a 132 unit apartment complex including an amenity building, a recreation building, a pool, and a recreational access to Hicks Lake.
The request includes a shoreline substantial development permit, a site plan review approval, and a class IV forest practices permit.
A public hearing will be scheduled before the Lacey Hearings Examiner, who will make a recommendation for action on the permits to the City Council.
July 22, 2022
Examiner Issues Recommendation
The Hearings Examiner today issued a recommendation to approve the Hicks Lake Multi-Family Project (20-0190) to the City Council.
The Lacey City Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation at it’s August 4, 2022, regular meeting which starts at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers and via Zoom.
The Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation and the record created through the close of the public hearing. No new testimony or exhibits may be considered by the Council. For more information on the City Council’s role in quasi-judicial permit decisions, check out the Hearings Examiner page on the City’s website.
If you need special accommodations to participate in the Council meeting, please call us at (360) 491-5642 by 10:00 a.m. the business day before the hearing.
July 7, 2022
Hearing Examiner Recommendation
The Hearings Examiner has indicated to Lacey staff that he will be issuing his recommendations regarding the two apartment complexes on Hicks Lake, Hicks Lake Multi-Family (20-190) and Hicks Lake Apartments (21-081), early the week of July 11th.
As soon as the City receives the recommendations, they will be posted on our website and a notice that they are available for review will be emailed to all parties of record. The project pages on our website contain the entire record which will be basis for the Examiners recommendation and the Council’s decision.
The Lacey City Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation at it’s July 21, 2022, regular meeting which starts at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers and via Zoom.
The Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation and the record created through the close of the public hearing. No new testimony or exhibits may be considered by the Council.
If you need special accommodations to participate in the Council meeting, please call us at (360) 491-5642 by 10:00 a.m. the business day before the hearing.
May 27, 2022
Hearings Examiner closes the public hearing
Hearings Examiner Andrew Reeves closed the hearing to public comment and has kept the record open for additional comments from the attorney representing Save Hicks Lake by June 1, and for responses to public comment from the applicant by June 6. Mr. Reeves will issue a written recommendation to the City Council 2 to 3 weeks after that date.
The City Council will consider the Examiners recommendation at a regular meeting, open to the public, notice of which will be sent to all parties of record. In the matter of Shoreline Permits, the Examiner creates the record and makes a recommendation to the City Council based on that record. The Council, acting in its quasi-judicial role, reviews the record and the Examiner’s recommendation and may approve, modify, or reverse the recommendation of the Examiner. No new evidence or testimony may be considered by the Council.
April 25, 2022
Hearing Scheduled
A virtual public hearing has been scheduled before the Lacey Hearings Examiner on this project on May 26, 2022 at 1:00 PM.
If you would like to attend the hearing or give testimony, you can register at
Be prepared to speak briefly to the Hearings Examiner. What you say will become part of the public record. If you cannot come to the public hearing but wish to comment, emails may be sent to Reace Fant, Assistant Planner, or a letter may be sent to: Hearings Examiner, 420 College St. SE, Lacey, WA 98503. Your email or letter will become part of the public record if we receive it before the close of the public hearing.
If you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting, please call us at (360) 491-5642 by 10:00 a.m. the business day before the hearing.
NOTE: The hearing for project 21-081 Hicks Lake Apartments as been scheduled for the same Hearing Examiner meeting. Project 21-081 will be heard first, followed by the hearing for this project.
August 2, 2022
Council Meeting Scheduled for August 18
The Lacey City Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation at it’s August 18, 2022, regular meeting which starts at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers and via Zoom. The matter was moved from August 4th to the 18th.
The Council will consider the Examiner’s recommendation and the record created through the close of the public hearing. No new testimony or exhibits may be considered by the Council. For more information on the City Council’s role in quasi-judicial permit decisions, check out the Hearings Examiner page on the City’s website.
Council Consideration of Projects 20-190 (Hicks Lake Multi Family) & 21-081 (Hicks Lake Apartments)
Thursday August 18th, 2022 at 6:00 PM
If you need special accommodations to participate in the Council meeting, please call us at (360) 491-5642 by 10:00 a.m. the business day before the hearing.
August 19, 2022
Notice of Council Action
At its regular meeting of August 18, 2022, the Lacey City Council acted on the above referenced matter. The Council voted to APPROVE the project with conditions outlined in the written recommendation of the City of Lacey Hearings Examiner.
The Council’s decision is based on the summary record, exhibits, testimony, findings of fact, conclusions of law and criteria for review for the project and as outlined in the recommendation prepared by the City of Lacey Hearings Examiner for the Lacey City Council. The recommendation was signed and dated by the Hearings Examiner on July 22, 2022.
The City of Lacey Council’s decision on the site plan review approval and class IV forest practices permit is final unless appealed pursuant to the Land Use Petition Act, Chapter 36.70C RCW and section 1D of the Lacey Development Guidelines to Superior Court within twenty-one days of the issuance of the decision.
The Council’s decision on the shoreline substantial development permit is final unless appealed pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act, Section 90.58.180 RCW to the Shorelines Hearings Board within twenty-one days of filing the decision with the Washington State Department of Ecology.
The complete record, including findings, conclusions and conditions of approval, is available for review on the City’s website: