Williams Crossing #24-0060

5216 15th ave ne, lacey wa
Reace Fant
Associate Planner
420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503
TEL: 360-486-8710
Department: Community & Economic Development
Project Background
Application for site plan approval of a multi-family housing project consisting of 12 3-story structures, 262 1 and 2-bedroom apartment units on an 18.7-acre site. The project scope includes 401 parking spaces, including guest, accessible and EV charging spaces. 48 bicycle parking spaces will be provided. The applicant will be pursuing a BLA after SPR approval that would seek to consolidate the 3 parcels into 2, a 9.89-acre buildable site and an 8.8-acrea parcel to the north used for critical areas protection. The subject property is located at 5216,5224,5228 15th Ave NE, Lacey, parcel numbers 11809310600, 11809310100, & 11809310700, and is within Section 09 Township 18 Range 1W in Thurston County, WA.